Astronomy – General

Astronomy – General

tags: astronomy, crater, craters, mercury, mercury’s craters, lobate scarp, lobate scarps, ganymede, comet, comets, hale-bopp, star, stars, sky, night sky, neil folberg, Magellanic cloud, Magellanic clouds, whirlpool galaxy, andromeda galaxy, supernova, supernovas, galaxy, galaxies, centaurus, constellation, constellations, earth, earthrise, moon, mars, sunset on mars, david r. scott, veil nebula, astronaut, astronauts, orrery, cosmic radiation, radiation, metropolitan museum of art bulletin, telescope, telescopes, donato creti, solar system, milky way galaxy, large Magellanic cloud, small Magellanic cloud, sombrero galaxy, comet halley, tarantula nebula, nebula, nebulae, stephan’s quintet, meteorite, meteorites, vela supernova, cosmic ray, cosmic rays, skylab, skylab photography, astronomers’ tools, astronomer tool, astronomer’s tool, astronomer’s tools, tycho brahe, uranienborg, equatorial armillary, armillary sphere, nocturnal, christianized cosmos, nuremberg chronicle, armillary sphere, encke’s comet, donati’s comet, pular, robert hooke, astronomical instrument, astronomical instruments, Greenwich observatory, kepler’s temple of astronomy, taula of trepuco, pilasters, talayot, Andromeda constellation, Andromeda, abd al-rahman al-sufi, andromeda nebula, cross-staff, tycho, sextant, stjerneborg, tycho brahe’s satellite observatory, ballochroy, bayeux tapestry, halley’s comet, black-drop effect, elliptical ring, portable astronomical quadrant, shuckburgh equatorial, jesse ramsden, lick observatory, mount hamilton, arecibo observatory, radio telescope dish, leviathan of parsonstown, coversations on the plurality of worlds, bernard de fontenelle, repsold and sons, measuring machine, reflector, reflectors, yerkes observatory, john flamsteed

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